Welcome to Carstairs Countryside Trust

The Carstairs Countryside Trust was established in 1989 to act as a rapid response mechanism to further the conservation of the countryside.

Over two decades its trustees have played the leading voluntary role in the conservation of the Lower Derwent Valley straddling North and East Yorkshire as well as securing the future of more than 30 sites (approaching 1000 acres) of great natural, archaeological and palaeoenvironmental importance spread across the Yorkshire Region.  The majority of CCT’s sites promote integrated sustainable agriculture in harmony with wildlife and the environment, largely through traditional non-intensive farming methods.  The Trust has also played a pivotal role in working with Natural England and local authorities to seek to ensure the planning system safeguards internationally protected sites against inappropriate and unwelcome change.

CCT does not compete with other organisations, but only responds where there is an urgent need and it is best placed to do so.  It acts alone, with others or as a catalyst to achieving a desired result. 

CCT has encouraged and supported the setting up of similar and successful local trusts, each of which has made a significant impact in its respective area.  It has instigated major cutting-edge research on a number of its sites and played a part in publications to record achievements.

The Carstairs Countryside Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees supported by a retained solicitor, land agent and accountant.  It has a wide range of contacts which assist with specialist advice and help to achieve its goals swiftly and with a minimum of bureaucracy.  The Trust has been supported widely by lottery, statutory and individual charitable organisations.

Useful advice for cultivation of cornfield flowers

A meeting of project volunteers and interested stakeholders gathered at Hutton-le-Hole Village Hall on 25 November 2016. The event, hosted by the Carstairs Countryside Trust celebrated the achievements of the Cornfield Flowers Project over the last fifteen years. Discussion took place as to how the important outcomes of the Project might continue into the future.

Amongst a number of suggestions there was a recognition that a significant legacy and resource was the series of Species Cards produced by the project. CCT agreed that they would look into making them available through the charity’s new website.

The Cards now available here as pdf downloads offer interested groups and or individuals the opportunity to benefit from the experience gained by the volunteers and project staff in the cultivation of rare and declining cornfield flowers. In making these available it is hoped that these species brought back from the brink will continue to grace field margins and neglected corners and be enjoyed and appreciated by naturalists and farmers alike.

Researchers are asked to acknowledge source if the material is used in new projects or schemes.
CCT would be pleased to receive feedback from anyone who has cultivated and studied the species requirements so this information can be used to benefit further these special plants. Please use the enquiry form via ‘contact us’ tab on the menu.